utorak, 28. svibnja 2013.

Strawberries and Rain

I love this time of day. After an entire day of rain and cold weather, it is somewhat sunny outside, although far from warm. I feel as if I have jinxed the weather in Croatia with my last post. It truly did seem as if summer was here.

The end of May is approaching. I cannot believe how fast time is flying by. In three more weeks I'm off to the States. I cannot wait. In my thoughts I am already there. Soaking up all the new knowledge and experiences in a multicultural environment. I think I'm meant to work in such an environment. Croatia has become too small for me. We'll see if the program will change me, and if it will bring me some new business opportunities but also, and probably even more important to me, some new friends.

It's past 7 pm here, and the sun is beginning to set. Right in this moment, as I am typing this, I can notice the slight decrease in sunlight. It still smells of rain. I though I would do some more work for tomorrow, but I think I'll stop and watch a movie. Shawshank Redemption sounds just about right.
And my mom's cookies and cakes.

Strawberries and Nutella - my new favorite addiction. I try to make excuses by thinking that it's healthy because of the fruit, but in reality, Nutella overpowers the healthiness of strawberries. I don't mind it a bit. Although I will at some point feel guilty for having eaten way too much chocolate. Oh well.

 I wish you all a relaxed evening.


ponedjeljak, 20. svibnja 2013.

May in Photos

It has been a full month since my last post and what can I say...I blame it all on work. As much as I love to blog, when I have a ton of work to do I need to prioritize. 
But, I am trying to get myself on a schedule and start sticking to writing posts on specific days during the week.

Time management is one of those things which seem to be problematic to a lot of people I know, myself included. In fact, I'm writing this during my lunch break, otherwise who knows when this would be written.

May has been a lovely month as the days have become much longer, sunnier and warmer. Finals are coming up and since I'm in the role of both a teacher and a student, this time of year is especially nerve wrecking. In addition, I am trying to get ready for my upcoming five-week long trip to the US and I am super excited.
Packing will be interesting as I will be taking only one suitcase. Hmmm...won't be easy to decide what to take with me. But I'll keep you updated on my packing strategies. :)

Here are some photos which marked the month of May for me.

Study time.

Correcting exams on my balcony.


Love the pinks and purples!

Getting informed on my upcoming US trip and the program I'll be taking part in.

Hope everyone's doing great!


subota, 20. travnja 2013.

Flowers and Chocolate

Spring has definitely sprung. Flowers in my garden are blossoming, the birds are chirping, and it has finally warmed up. I enjoy wearing brighter and lighter clothes, flats and spending every moment I can outdoors with my friends.
I received a box of some amazing chocolates from a dear friend in Connecticut a couple of weeks ago. The chocolates are by now long gone. :)
My work has been keeping me very busy lately, hence the lack of posts. Even drinking coffee has been a solitary activity lately. Instead of drinking it at cute cafes, I've had to resort to the comfort of my apartment, with a piece or two of delicious chocolate.

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I'm enjoying my Saturday at my parents' place which is a lovely change.


nedjelja, 31. ožujka 2013.

My Weekend in Photos

First of all, happy Easter everyone!

Hope you're all having a great time with your loved ones!

I am so happy to be back home with my parents for a couple of days, the last time I spent more than a full day with them was at Christmas. So sad!

Here is how my weekend has been so far.

I enjoyed the gorgeous view from my house...

...ate lots and lots of chocolate Easter eggs...

...snacked...a lot...  

(My favorite brand of highlighters and pencils!)

...loaded up my Kindle with new books...
(I'm obsessed with Cassie Clare's books at the moment!)

...and painted my nails with a fresh coat of OPI's Red.

And that's how my weekend was...
Tomorrow I'm going back to my apartment...Cannot believe how fast the days have flown by...
I'm dreading tomorrow as I have several important deadlines to meet, stressful I tell you!

Have a great rest of the Sunday guys!

utorak, 26. ožujka 2013.


Hello everyone!

Hope you're having a great day. It's past 10 p.m. here and it's time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow will be just as exhausting as today, so I need to get my beauty sleep. :)

I've had an exciting day. I gave an interview for the biggest local newspaper about my upcoming trip to the U.S. I feel very honored for having received an amazing scholarship to spend five weeks this summer at one of the most prestigious colleges in the US - Lehigh University. I cannot wait for June to come! I'll take part in an amazing educational program on leadership - an area extremely important for classroom management, as well as basically any other field of work such as law, economy, finances, sales, etc.

So here is an example of what I like to wear to work. Today has been very sunny and warm, unlike yesterday which was snowy and too cold for my liking. 
A lot of photos were taken, not many made it to this post as I couldn't focus and kept on laughing throughout my little "photo shoot" :)

Jacket: H&M
Shirt: H&M
Pants: GAP
Flats: Zara

Hope this helps you decide what to wear to work. It's very simple and casual yet classy. Simplicity is very often the best solution for me. 

Well, so much from me for today. 
Good night everyone! Talk to you soon!


nedjelja, 24. ožujka 2013.

A Fresh Start on a Sunday

Hello world!

My name is Matea and I'm a 27 year old teacher from Croatia.

Hereby I would like to welcome you all into my everyday life. 

If you wondered what a teacher does in their personal life, this is a place to discover, as far as my life is concerned at least. :)

Share with me my ups and downs, no matter what they might be.

My passion is literature, cooking and meeting new people.

My goal is to get my PhD degree by the end of 2015. 

Will I make it? Stick around and find out!

(Coffee with my best friend at McCafe on a Sunday afternoon)

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!